Monday, November 9, 2009

Cub College

Well folks, Cub Scout College came and went and, I for one, had a great time teaching a class on Webelos to Scout Transitions/Selecting a Boy Scout Troop.
The event was held at Lakeshore Technical University and what a beautiful campus in Cleveland, WI.
Where else can a leader come for a day's event and learn more about providing a quality program than at Cub College?
To be able to complete your leadership training to learning to cook with minimal dishes to learning about Fast Tracks and get lunch provided is one of the best opportunities to meet new friends and establish an excellent foundation for your cub program.
I heard only one leader complain about the event as he carried all of his projects out to his car, as did his wife, that the 1 hr. sessions were too long and the day was a waste of his time.
He and his wife were in possession of 2 big arm loads of free projects and information and all totalled if they had to purchase these things; they would have spent over $100.00 each.
And THESE were FREE!
Thank God that these were the only people that I heard a complaint from as that incident was greatly over shadowed by the smiles and the friendly banter between the Cub College Staff members and those that attended the event.
And in closing, my advice to the couple that complained, you have 3 choices:\
1 Stay home next year
2 Volunteer to run the event next time
3 Come back with the attitude that you will learn and have fun. In short, bring your scout spirit.
I have never had a bad experience attending Cub College as a participant or as a staff instructor and you will always take more away from the event than when you came so go to cub college and bring your Scouting attitude. You will be glad you did.

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