Saturday, March 6, 2010

How to Make a Souvenir Camp T-shirt

Recently, I had a discussion with a couple of scouting moms that were complaining about the economy and how they could afford to send their sons to camp and still be able to allow them to have a souvenir keepsake from that camp without spending more funds than they could afford.
Here is an interesting idea to create a keepsake souvenir of your camp experience and is very thrifty:

Take a white t-shirt and insert a cardboard sheet inside the shirt and then gather up some green leaves and ferns to make a printable design on the t-shirt.
Be careful that you do not use poisonous leaves from the poison ivy plant or poison sumac or poison oak trees!
Once you find the suitable leaves, lay the leaves on the t-shirt by making a suitable design.
Lay a couple of layers of paper towels over the leaves.
Pound the leaves flat with a hammer or wooden mallet so that the leaves stain the clothing.
Carefully peel the toweling and leaves off the shirt and then place the t-shirt into a dryer for 10 minute to fix the stained leaf prints onto the shirt.
There you have it. Your very own souvenir camp shirt.
Remember the old saying: "Leaflets three, let it be!  Berries white, poisonous sight!"

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