Scouting like the American railroad began with humble beginnings and it grew through blood, sweat, and tears.
Somebody worked hard to pave the way for future generations to arrive at the final destination with less difficulties than their predecessors.
Before the railroad, much of the travel was horseback, or on foot as the highway system had yet to be established.
Boy Scouts had no real connection or unified structure until James E. West sought to streamline the program into a consistent, unified movement with a national headquarters governing the rules and regulations of the scouting program.
Today, the BSA offers the Fast Tracks to advancement on the cub level and that equates to the rails going from Point A to Point B.
The road is straight and narrow and the course is consistent with the chance for the rider to enjoy the changing scenery as a scout enjoys the multi-facets that the scouting program offers.
So here in list form are some of the things that parallel scouting with the railroad:Railroads have:
- engineeers
- route or destination
- magnificent scenery
- passengers
- Scoutmasters
- path to Eagle Scout
- magnificent scenery in camp
- scouts
So take a ride the the "Train of Scouting" and see what you have been missing.
1937 Boy Scout Grand Parade
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