Friday, May 27, 2011

"C" is for Community

Life Scout Zach Porior is working on his Eagle Scout service project and he has chosen to write and publish a collection of stories and writings by other youth his age that have had to cope with cancer or had to deal with friends and relatives that have contracted this disease.

"For my Eagle Scout Project, I am creating an anthology to capture the stories of teens, like myself, caring for friend and family with cancer. Our stories are about coping, caring and building a community of support. Together we can help others discover that "C" is not for Cancer, it is for Community." said Zach. "Teens ages 12-18 can get involved in the project by submitting their own stories."

Zach is accepting original, non-fiction prose and poetry for his anthology and the extimated date for publication is slated for December, 2011. Copies of the anthology will be donated to the American Cancer Society and to the Oshkosh schools and hospitals.

In an interview with Zach, I had asked why do a project of this nature and Zach gave me the following story:

"Although I am only 15, I have already had many experiences with cancer. My first experience was my grandma's diagnosis of breast cancer five years ago. This alone was more than I needed at age 10, but it didn't stop there. Within the past year my 7th grade health teacher, 8th grade literacy teacher, grandpa, and most recently, my friend Connor were all diagnosed with various types of cancer. This was when I realized that cancer could affect anyone, at anytime. These are the reasons why I decided that something needed to be done to help people like me cope with cancer. So, I created this project."

There are countless stories like Zach's and even I have had relatives that lost their lives to the deadly disease so this project particularly hits close to home.

About Zach:

Zach currently attends Oshkosh West High School and his an honors student.

He is the web master for the school's band web site and is a member of the tennis team.

He is currently the Senior Patrol Leader and has held several leadership positions including serving on staff for NYLT training (National Youth Leadership Training).

Zach plans to go on to college and pursue something in the field of science.

Mom Vicki Porier said, "Zach is currently holding a 4.0 gpa and also has served as the alter server, until he aged out and now runs the technology department for his church and is very active in school and within the scouting program."


"Scouts is a pleasure more than a task." she added.

Anyone that is between the ages of 12-18 is asked to help with this project by submitting their writings to Zach at:

Submission Requirements:

Piece must be an original piece of non-fiction prose or poetry about your personal experience with cancer.

The piece cannot already be published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

Entries need to be typed with Arial, 12pt font with standard margins, and not exceed 2500 words.

All entries will be considered for publication and will not be returned, so keep a copy.

Entries need a title with name and age of author. If you do not wish to have your name and/or age published please indicate clearly on your piece.\

All entries must be submitted by June 30, 2011.

Must be 12-18 to submit

In order to respect the privacy of anyone about whom you are writing, please refrain from using real names. If you insist on using someone's real name, however, you must submit the individual's mailing address, email address, and phone number. I will not publish any piece that includes an individual's real name without his or her written consent..

Complete and submit the Statement of Originality and Consent

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