Sunday, September 20, 2009

Something Wonderful This Way Comes

The Voyageur District will have the opportunity to host a wonderful speaker on camping, canoeing, and other great outdoor adventures at the upcoming November roundtable.

Cliff Jacobson is the best person I know to talk about equipment, the experiences, and what you really need to know before going into the deepest, darkest wilds of the boundary waters.

Cliff has written several books on the great outdoors and his probably the most prolific writer of our time and I have had the opportunity to get a sneak peak on what is one Cliff's mind, thanks to Shawn Cleary's True North blog/podcast and he visited with Shawn and they discussed several things about Cliff's personal life and what is the latest and greatest designs in outdoor gear.

What I personally like about Cliff is that he won't tell you what to buy but what to look for in camping gear and will recommend items that you will need without getting yourself into payments that can bring you into issues that rival the national debt.

Cliff is the real deal and he is fun to listen to and if you ever get the chance to hear Cliff speak; you will find that the time flies by quickly and you will walk away with more information than when you came with.

I remember my first time attending one of Cliff's presentations and I hate to admit it but I thought initially what could he possibly show or teach me that I didn't already know and I went to that roundtable with arms folded, ready to challenge him at every turn, but as soon as Cliff got started, I found myself rapidly (and frantically) writing notes on what he had to say and I asked questions on everything he said.

I was the one that had to learn and I found the need to prove myself against what Cliff already knew.

Now I can't wait to see Cliff and we are fortunate that Cliff comes to Voyageur District annually and I will bring my family to see him this year.

Oh, and the best part...Cliff comes the month before Santa so there is plenty of time to add new items to my wish list.

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