Saturday, April 9, 2011

Spring has sprung

Finally... the weather has warmed up enough to melt the snow.
Grass is beginning to turn green again and many people are out doing yard work with light weight clothing or going outdoors in shirt sleeves.
Motorcyclists are out...sans snowmobile suits.
Yes, Spring is here but don't put away those boots yet.
Any experienced Scout will tell you that there are still patches of deep snow in the woods and places that are still soggy from the melting snow.
Camping this time of year is fun as long as you are prepared for it.
Warm, sunny days are often followed with cold nights.
Extra clothing must be packed to allow for those extreme temperature shifts and rest assured, being wet or getting wet will chill you to the bone making life miserable.
I enjoy camping in Spring, watching the plant life shoot up through the ground to change the scenery from brown and gray to bright green.
I look forward spotting trillium's, pussy willows, and the first signs of leaves sprouting once the buds on the trees open.
Watching for the return of the birds that have migrated to the South for the Winter.
Catching the first fish in open water and not through a small hole cut in the ice.
I love watching the long faces on snowmobilers get longer.
Face it, I am not really the Winter type.
So get out there, re-introduce yourself to Mother Nature, but don't forget to dress for the occasion.

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